It’s time for the May Feature of the Month, Ya’ll!!! And I had no one else in mind, other than the fabulous, confident, and strong, Alexandra Camara from yellowbowsxo.

Let me reiterate that I started this series to highlight people who have caught my eye in the world of endometriosis advocacy, education, and support. And Alexandra, aka Alex, absolutely exhibits all of these characteristics. But even more than that, I chose her for the May Feature of the Month because she is an Endo Mom. I wanted to give her the chance to encourage those of you who have the added challenge of being a mom, or parent, while living with endometriosis. 

Lastly, and before we get this started, I want to wish Alex and all you mom’s out there a very HAPPY and BLESSED Mother’s Day weekend!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, where you are from, and what inspired you to start yellowbowsxo?

My name is Alexandra but everyone calls me Alex. I live in Ontario Canada, I am married to my high school sweetheart and I am a mom of two boys who are 5 and 7 years old. 

I started Yellowbowsxo on instagram, facebook and my blog when I was starting to piece together the fact that I could possibly have thoracic endometriosis. I was having symptoms that I had never felt before and I did some research and found my symptoms lined up with all the information from @extrapelvicnotrare on thoracic endometriosis.  

I wanted to find other people out there suffering the same or similar symptoms as myself, to help me feel less alone, to talk to and share helpful remedies and how I could find community in my journey.

2. I truly enjoy following your life as a working Mom with Endo. How has endo affected your ability to show up for your family?

It’s had its rough moments that’s for sure, and it’s not something I am ashamed to share about. Over the last 3 years my boys watched me be really sick. When my thoracic symptoms became more prominent in my daily life it made the most simplistic tasks become utterly exhausting and unable to accomplish.  But not matter what, I always tried. I wanted my boys to see that even when I wasn’t feeling great I pushed through as much as I could. 

I would have the kids help as much as they could and my husband stepped up to the plate a lot.  It’s taught my boys to be kind, compassionate, empathetic and sensitive kids. I am thankful they exude those characteristics, but it breaks my heart in how they obtained them.

3. Can you share your best piece of advice for people who have kids and experience endometriosis associated pain?

My best pieces of advice for those parents would be: Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself. 

Always know that no matter what the day throws at you, you are doing your absolute best. There will be many days when it doesn’t feel like you’re doing enough, you’re not being a good enough parent or your children deserve so much more, but they need you just the way you are each and every day! Find your village, help is hard to ask for and if you can create a village those people within your village will come in to help when it isn’t even asked for. 

4. Have you had laparoscopic ablation? If so, how did those surgical outcomes compare to the outcomes you’ve experienced with expert laparoscopic excision? 

I have had a laparoscopic ablation prior to knowing the difference between ablation and excision, and a gyn performing surgery vs. an endometriosis surgeon, which I found that information via social media. Its funny this question is asked, I just recently sent both of my surgeons a 6 month follow up the other day. 

There is zero comparison from prior to surgery to post surgery. 

Prior to surgery I was on GNRH medications and they made me about 30% functional. Post surgery I am now 95% functional. Nothing will ever replace the benefits you receive from expert excision. 

Prior to surgery I was barley managing and now post surgery I have regained my quality of life. I can now breathe, run, play with my kids. I can load and unload the dishwasher and do loads of laundry, without being short of breath or dealing with severe chest pains.

5. What is one piece of advice you would like to share to those who are about to have surgery?

Deep breaths, everything will be okay. Your life is about to change and in such a great way. Pack a heating pad and gas-x for those post lap gas pains. Take recovery easy and slow but also remember short frequent walks are going to be your best friend.

6. How do you start and end each day? Do you have a routine that helps you manage life with endo as a mom?

I most definitely don’t haha. That’s just me being honest. Our mornings when school is in, and I am working are chaotic to say the least. Often times, before bed is when I try and catch up on emails and dm’s after the boys have gone to sleep.

7. Outside of conventional medicine, what have you found to be the most effective tool(s) in decreasing your endometriosis pain?

Becoming vegan has helped my digestive issues drastically, and lemongrass tea would always help ease my shortness of breath.

8. What do you do to manage stress?

Writing, creating and utilizing social media as an outlet for me to air out what is replaying over and over in my mind. To be able to sit back with headphones in listening to low key music and just be able to write really calms me down.

9. Is there something that you always advise against when it comes to Endo treatment options?

I wouldn’t advise anyone against any type of treatment, regime or option. I would just help educate them thoroughly on all options, side effects, possibility of benefit vs drawback. As long as they are fully educated and aware on any option they choose to explore, they can then make the best choice for themselves.

10. Any last thoughts or advice for my readers?

Know that you are far from alone. 

Know that you have gotten through 100% of your bad days.

Know that you are a warrior and you will come out on the other side of this disease. 

Advocate for your own health as best as you can, and if you are unaware as to how to do that, never hesitate to reach out to myself, other advocates or even friends and family.

Visit Alex’s Blog and follow her on social media!