Estrogen dominance and stress can be linked to the progression of endo. Here are tangible and practical ways you can reduce your stress.
Heavenly Water: Period Management with TCM
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners have given the period a name that is very deserving. They call it Heavenly Water.
Empowering Music Therapy | A Playlist
During my worst flares, I like to utilize empowering music therapy because it is distracting and gives me so much comfort when I’m in pain.
Estrogen Dominance: Pooping Is Important!
Pooping is important when it trying to treat estrogen dominance. And a focus on your diet should be one of the first steps you take.
Why I Smell Like Garlic When I Go To Bed
Since endometriosis can lead to a decreased immune system, I often consume raw garlic to prevent and shorten the length of an upper respiratory infection.
Intentional Living with Endometriosis
Intentional living- is it even possible to achieve an “intentional life” when you are facing inconsistent symptoms that can change at the flip of a switch?
A Letter to My Endo Spouse
To the person who has stayed by my side through it all, words cannot express the amount of gratitude I feel for you. But here is a letter anyways.
Naltrexone: Opiate Antagonist for Endometriosis
Low dose Naltrexone has been shown to improve pain and other symptoms in patients with chronic inflammatory conditions. So why not Endo?
Endometriosis Sucks! Period.
9 Reasons I think endometriosis sucks! I bet you can relate to at least nine of them. And if not, can we switch lives please?
Nursing with Endometriosis | Career Outlook
Nursing with endometriosis presents a whole lot of challenges, as nurses are overworked and burnt out. I’m sharing how endo has affected my career.