Xenoestrogens are almost impossible to avoid. What’s important is that you minimize your exposure to these toxins that can negatively affect endometriosis.
Holidays and Infertility: Difficult Family Conversations
The holidays can be very difficult for those facing infertility. Here are tips for talking about your infertility struggle with friends and family.
Mindfulness Meditation for Endometriosis
Mindfulness Meditation proves to be an effective means to increase awareness. . .ultimately decreasing anxiety, depression, stress, pain, and memory loss.
Vitamin D: Are Your Blood Levels Affecting your Fertility?
Low levels of Vitamin D can be affecting your ability to conceive. Learn more about how Vitamin D plays a role in a successful pregnancy.
Yoga: Stress and Pain Reliever for the Endo Warrior
Yoga provides relief of stress and pain to the Endometriosis Warrior. Yoga allows us to stretch and strengthen the muscles within the pelvic floor.
My Endo Story, It’s about time!
The journey to an Endometriosis diagnosis is physically and emotionally difficult. It’s about time that I share my Endo story.