As we get into the cooler months of fall and winter, one of the most popular questions I get asked is “what can I eat to boost my immune system?” This question comes from patients, caregivers, family and friends and is especially popular since the pandemic. I wish I could say there was a magical pill that we know for sure helps our immune system and that is safe to take while on treatment, but there really is not enough evidence to support this. So, don’t believe the flashy ads or the 5-star amazon reviews, trust the science. The good news is that I do have some general tips that you and your family can incorporate into your daily lives that could help you stay well during this winter season.

Lifestyle Tips to help support your Immune System

1. Eat a colorful and balanced diet!Tips you can incorporate into your daily life to protect your immune system amidst a global pandemic and the winter season.

No surprise that the dietitian is telling you to eat more fruits and vegetables, but really all those different colors are different antioxidants and they all protect us in different ways. So, by eating a wide variety you create this rainbow of protection for your immune system.

2. Get some rest!

Tips you can incorporate into your daily life to protect your immune system amidst a global pandemic and the winter season.

Sleep is our body’s recovery mode. Thus, not enough sleep is not enough time for your body to recover which leads to a weakened immune system. We all need 7-9 hours of sleep so plan ahead and allow an hour of “wind-down” time. I use this last hour before my bedtime to read a book or watch a light-hearted comedy show (i.e I love Lucy or Friends are my personal favs).

3. Exercise!

Tips you can incorporate into your daily life to protect your immune system amidst a global pandemic and the winter season.

We all can and should make time for regular exercise. It can be a walk with your dog, or yoga with friend or sometime out in your garden. With the pandemic and gyms being closed, I have found some great Youtube videos that make it safe and convenient for me to workout in my home. Remember safety first, so be sure to check with your doctor before trying anything too strenuous.

4. To blessed to be stressed!

We all know stress is not good for our physical or mental health and weakens our immune system. Most of us are experiencing a unique new stress due to the pandemic. So, take some time to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. I find it helpful to think of the things that I am blessed with and this always helps put things in perspective for me.

Tips you can incorporate into your daily life to protect your immune system amidst a global pandemic and the winter season.

5. Wash your hands!

If there was a silver lining to the pandemic, it would be that more people are washing and sanitizing their hands than ever before. We use our hands a lot and we unintentionally touch our eyes, ears, nose and mouth without thinking. So, it is very important to remember to wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds. Or, keep hand sanitizer near you and use it frequently. 

Stubbins, R. (2020). Eat Good . . . . Feel Better [PDF document]. Retrieved from R. Stubbins, personal communication, November 2, 2020.